The new Hulu docuseries “Sasquatch” is built around journalist David Holthouse’s account of one very strange night in northern California in 1993.

While Holthouse was visiting a friend on a marijuana farm, a terrified visitor arrived in the middle of the night, telling stories about seeing the bodies of three men who’d been ripped apart by Bigfoot.

Holthouse, who’d put the memory aside for decades, returns to California’s cannabis-growing “Emerald Triangle” to investigate the now-hazy, but deeply unsettling, story in a three-part show premiering Tuesday and executive produced by Jay and Mark Duplass.

The mythical forest-dwelling creature turns out to be the starting point of a larger story about the violent history of the area and its multilayered secrets.

But the Bigfoot legend itself looms large in this region. California is second only to Washington in state sightings, with 445 encounters (versus Washington’s 676) documented by the Bigfoot Field Researchers Organization.

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