Few people will discuss UFOs, dreading the label of a conspiracy theorist. The U.S. government claimed for years that it had not discovered any UFOs or evidence of alien life. But all that may be changing thanks to Republicans.

In 2019, under President Donald Trump, the Navy admitted that three leaked videos taken by Navy pilots showed UFOs. One was taken in 2004 and two in 2015. The pilot who saw one of them said it flew in a way he could not understand. Former deputy assistant secretary of defense for intelligence during the Bill Clinton and George W. Bush administrations, Christopher Mellon, who is related to the late conservative billionaire funder Richard Mellon Scaife, has claimed that he was responsible for leaking the videos. He said, "We know that UFOs exist. This is no longer an issue."

The Pentagon followed up last April releasing the videos with the statement, "The aerial phenomena observed in the videos remain characterized as 'unidentified.'" Then the DOD admitted UFOs exist in December. Now Republicans are forcing the government to turn over information. Sen. Marco Rubio, chairman of the Senate's Select Committee on Intelligence, included a provision in December's $2.3 trillion coronavirus relief and appropriations bill that Trump signed requiring intelligence agencies to provide a report on UFOs within 180 days.

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