A couple of days ago I wrote an article on how military – and/or government – helicopters have been utilized to help create bogus UFO events. And, usually, they are  black in color. Today, I’m going to expand on the matter of how there is an undeniable connection between the UFO mystery and the black helicopters. Since the mid 1960s, countless people, all around the globe, have had encounters with what have become infamously known in conspiracy circles as “black helicopters.” Typically, as the name suggests, these craft are completely black in color and lack any markings that might, otherwise, provide an explanation as to who, exactly, is flying them and why. Black helicopters are most often seen: (a) in areas where UFO activity is prevalent, (b) where so-called cattle-mutilation events have occurred, and (c) in close proximity – sometimes in perilously close proximity – to the homes of people who have become known as alien abductees. Oddly, the craft are very often described as flying in almost complete silence. Hardly surprisingly, this collective data has led many conspiracy theorists and UFO investigators to conclude that the black helicopters originate with clandestine, government-run groups that keep a careful and concerned watch on the UFO phenomenon (and, at times, dictate it), as well as its interactions with us, the Human Race.

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