The long-awaited Pentagon report regarding unidentified aerial phenomena (UAP, preferred by some to refer to unidentified flying objects, or UFOs) has finally been released to Congress, and it has brought with it a slew of questions and answers.
The report, spanning nine pages, discusses 144 UAP sightings. Of note is that all of them were from reliable military sources rather than ordinary eyewitnesses.
Five categories were given as possible explanations for each UAP sighting: airborne clutter, natural atmospheric phenomena, industry developmental programs, foreign adversary systems and a catchall “other” category.
But of all of the 144 UAP sightings, only one of them was determined to fall into one of the first four categories. The rest defy all conventional explanations.

But does that mean they could be signs of alien life?
It may seem hard to believe, but according to Israeli-American astronomer Prof. Avi Loeb, the possibility cannot be discounted.

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