My previous article was on one of the reasons why government agencies have failed to give all of us definitive UFO Disclosure. In that article I suggested – in a specifically theoretical fashion, I should stress – that the truth might be too terrifying for us to handle. It was a theory that more than a few people have bought into. Namely, the idea that our souls are being “farmed” by the black-eyed aliens of Ufology. Of course, it’s just a theory and shouldn’t be seen as anything else, at all. Unless, that is, hard evidence surfaces – something that hasn’t happened yet. There is another angle as to why we haven’t got UFO Disclosure. It’s a scenario that most people probably don’t think about. It’s the theory that government’s don’t give us the full story because, really, they actually haven’t got a clue as to what the full story is! So, as they are as much in the dark as we are, they do very little when it comes to government-public discussion. It’s not an implausible picture. For example, consider the following:

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