Albert Einstein was given a guided tour of a flying saucer after it crashed at Roswell, it has been claimed.

The iconic physicist - famed for his E = mc2 formula on mass and energy - also got to see an alien autopsy, according to his former assistant.

Dr Shirley Wright said she accompanied him on the top-secret trip to the desert in New Mexico, US.

She detailed what they saw in a series of tape recordings made shortly before her death in 2015, and only made public now.

Dr Wright said the alien craft - which reportedly crashed in July 1947 - appeared damaged on one side.

She added: "It was disc shaped, sort of concave. Its size stood up to one fourth of the hangar floor.

"The body of the ship was what I would call today a rather reflective material but when you got up close to it, it was rather dull.

"They were very curious about what the materials were."

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