The US government has admitted that videos of “unidentified aerial phenomena” posted online by UFO hunters are genuine.

"But exactly who… or what… is behind these bizarre incidents remains a mystery.

Luis Elizondo, the former Pentagon intelligence officer in charge of investigating the US Navy’s encounters with those “impossible” aircraft, has opened up about his UFO secrets.

From 2007 Elizondo headed the Pentagon’s “Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program” which was set up to investigate unidentified aerial phenomena [UAPs], the term military sources prefer over the less respected “UFO”.

He says that he’s sure that the notorious “Tic Tac” UFOs encountered by pilots based on the USS Nimitz were not built by any earthly power.

The UFOs resemble huge white Tic Tacs.n

His evidence, he says, is a series of official US government reports describing identical UFOs that date back some 70 years.

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