Going forward, whenever I see activity that looks counterproductive, I need to learn to back off, to not intervene, and let nature take its course.

One of the things that sucks about no longer being affiliated with the corporate media is getting zero response from government agencies. I never got a whole lot of smooch before – after all, secondary market, Sarasota – but this time, I thought I was doing them a favor.

But I could be wrong.

What’s up: The federal agencies/bureaus/spooks/mindset that’s had a blank check to monopolize UFO secrets since Truman beat Dewey got backed into a serious corner last month, thanks to a Senate bill that could spell the beginning of the end of this monstrously long con game. Introduced by a Democratic senator from New York, the proposed investigative effort, tentatively named ASTRO, is gaining bipartisan muscle and is now called the Gillibrand-Rubio amendment.

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