Congress now faces the inescapable conclusion that elements within the Pentagon's intelligence apparatus have prevented congressional oversight on unidentified aerial phenomenon (UAP) and are likely in contempt of Congress.

The Unidentified Aerial Phenomenon Task Force (UAPTF) classified report provided a revelation that Earth is being visited by entities of unknown origin, possessing vastly superior technology, and have yet to communicate in a manner humanity can comprehend.

The Gillibrand UAP language, now ratified in the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA), was the result of UAPTF classified documentation which reportedly included high-resolution videos viewed by US intelligence committees. These videos contain evidence of UAP defying gravity and physics as we currently understand them. This realization was enough to force Congress to question its ability to gather reliable intelligence associated with UAP.

However, as Congress moved forward with the groundbreaking legislation passed in the NDAA, the Pentagon moved to stifle its progress.

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