AN infamous "black triangle" UFO was caught hovering over a home for an HOUR on security footage.

The unidentified object was spotted flying over a house in Huddersfield, West Yorkshire.

"Black Triangles" have been a common part of the UFO phenomena since the first wave of sightings back in the 1940s.

As their name suggests, the objects appear floating in the sky as dark triangular shapes often peppered with lights.

Some of the triangles have been described as up to 120 metres long and they appear to float silently.

The Huddersfield footage was first posted by UFO hunter Mick Proctor who runs the Skywatch Explorer YouTube channel.

Mick said he was given it by a man who wanted to remain anonymous.

"He said it was on his CCTV camera for an hour but could only send a 10 min version as the file was too big.

To read more and view the video, click here.