After many decades of silence on the topic, the federal government is finally getting in on the conversation about unidentified aerial phenomena, or UAPs, also known as UFOs .

It’s about time.

Our government has been surprisingly quiet about the topic for many decades despite the many reports of extraordinary UAP sightings from our military personnel . These more extraordinary UAPs appear to defy conventional physics and show a distinct interest in very sensitive U.S. military airspace. Many UFOs are misidentified weather phenomena, aircraft, or balloons. Some represent U.S. or foreign military technology. Others, however, do not appear to fall into any of these categories and could be vehicles controlled by an unknown source. We need to know what these things are, how they operate, who or what is controlling them, and what they are doing.

We were supposed to get a fresh start towards new answers in June 2021, when the Pentagon released an unclassified report on the existence of UAPs.

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