Late last month, the second in an ongoing series of reports on the Pentagon’s assessments of unidentified aerial phenomena (UAP) was expected to arrive. The 2022 National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) mandated that the report be delivered to Congress by October 31, followed by an unclassified version of the briefing made available to the public thereafter.

“Director of National Intelligence Avril Haines has until Monday to provide Congress with its first annual unclassified update on Unexplained Aerial Phenomena,” ABC News reported, adding that the forthcoming report was expected to detail “all new UAP incidents over the past year and any previously unreported incidents.”

As Halloween came and went, it was evident that the new report would be late on arrival. With little doubt, the ODNI website received a significant amount of traffic as watchful UAP proponents kept an eye on the site’s Newsroom page where its Reports and Publications appear online. Yet despite copious amounts of page refreshes, the report never arrived.

Now, more than three weeks after its expected deadline, we’re still waiting… and based on the latest assessments of the situation, it seems that the UAP report hasn’t even made its way to Congress yet.

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