Several incidents in a recent spate of pilot sightings of unidentified aerial phenomena (UAP) may have down-to-earth explanations, according to experts who have analyzed witness accounts and videos of the objects, which they say reveal broader issues related to aviation safety.

Although several of the sightings remain unexplained, even those with explanations point to the challenges pilots face in identifying and reporting potential hazards to commercial aviation, according to experts The Debrief has spoken with.

The unusual luminous displays, some appearing to exhibit circular movement patterns that have been likened to “racetrack” formations, were first reported by American pilots beginning in early August.

On October 19, The Debrief reported on several of the recent incidents, first investigated by researcher and television personality Ben Hansen, who posted several videos online provided to him by pilots who filmed the objects.

Soon afterward, a plausible solution was put forward on the popular Metabunk website by one of its users, “Flarkey,” who demonstrated that most of the objects appearing in the videos were consistent with the position and movement of Starlink satellites at the time of the sightings. In a subsequent video that appeared on his YouTube channel, Metabunk creator Mick West detailed the process originally used by Flarkey to resolve several of the pilot sightings.

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