As we wrote back in May, “While most people probably don’t believe in the cryptids such as the Loch Ness Monster, Chupacabras, Mothman and the Jersey Devil, the one that might be the hardest to dismiss is the legend of Bigfoot.”

One of the big reasons for that it the prolific and widespread nature of Bigfoot stories.

Bigfoot goes by 58 different names in countries scattered around the world (Sasquatch, Yeti, Wendigo, Monkey Man).

In the United States, the only state to not have a Bigfoot encounter recorded in the Bigfoot Field Research Organization files is Hawaii. 24 of those states filed a report in 2022 alone.

We here have shared more than a dozen reports about Bigfoot in 2022 and over 50 since 2019.

To read more, click here.