Something strange was witnessed by hundreds of people over the waters of Lake Michigan back on March 8th, 1994.

The incident, which to this day remains one of the most intriguing mass UFO sightings in history, was reported by witnesses along some 200 miles of Lake Michigan's shoreline.

What made the sightings so compelling was the fact that they were reported by, not just residents, but also a policeman and a local meteorological team, thus making them much more difficult to dismiss.

One witness, Cindy Pravda of Grand Haven, recalled seeing four strange lights in the sky that night.

"I'm known as the UFO lady of Grand Haven," she told the Detroit Free Press.

"I watched them for half an hour. Where I'm facing them, the one on the far left moved off. It moved to the highway and then came back in the same position. The one to the right was gone in blink of an eye and then, eventually, everything disappeared quickly."

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