I have followed the UFO subject for more than two decades. I have gazed upon the stars more often than I can remember wondering whether one of these glittering objects in the sky is home to beings like us. On more occasions than one, I have wondered whether there are planets in the galaxy that are a like a mirror to our own world. And I must admit that I have seen objects in the sky many times that I could not explain.

This doesn’t mean I witnessed beings from other worlds zooming through the sky. But it also means I did not. They –whoever they may be– say that the truth is out there. I firmly believe this is so. I am convinced that some of the objects we have seen in our skies, and perhaps even traveling through are solar system, are not of this planet and are not the product of mother nature.
Shifting Perceptions on UFOs: The Scientific U-Turn

For decades, Unidentified Flying Objects (UFOs) were largely dismissed as science fiction, with discussions surrounding the topic often met with skepticism, ridicule, and denial from the scientific community. However, over the last few years, this narrative has seen a dramatic shift. Scientists, institutions, and even governmental bodies are now acknowledging UFOs’ existence and dedicating considerable resources to understanding these phenomena.

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