According to the widely circulated account, extraterrestrial beings once touched down at Holloman Air Force Base in New Mexico, engaging in discussions with government and military representatives. This extraordinary event is said to have taken place either in April 1964 or May 1971, depending on the version.
The story’s origins can be traced back to an intriguing turn of events involving Robert Emenegger and Allan Sandler, affluent businessmen from Los Angeles. During their visit to Norton Air Force Base in California, where they intended to explore the production of a documentary film focused on advanced research projects, the conversation expanded to encompass the subject of the Air Force’s encounters with unidentified flying objects (UFOs). Emenegger and Sandler expressed a keen interest in the UFO project, leading to discussions with key individuals such as the head of the U.S. Air Force Office of Special Investigations (AFOSI) at the base and the audio-visual director, Paul Shartle. As these discussions progressed, plans began to take shape.
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