A mysterious triangle of land in sparsely-populated Alaska offers more sightings of paranormal phenomena than almost any similarly-sized area on Earth.

As well as supposed sightings of triangle UFOs, ghosts and “aggressive” Bigfoot-type creatures, the "Alaska Triangle" is also known for a remarkable number of unexplained disappearances.

In fact, the History Channel says there are more unsolved missing persons cases in the region than anywhere else on Earth. A new Discovery Channel documentary interviews eyewitnesses of some of the most mysterious and compelling UFO sightings. One, Wes Smith, says the “very strange” triangular objects he saw didn’t move like any known aircraft.

The low-flying mystery craft were totally silent and did not even emitting the tell-tale hum of a drone. “It’s like everything you’ve ever been taught has gone out of the window, because how is that possible?” he asked.

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