Enmyoin Temple in Japan‘s Fukushima Prefecture, according to its chief monk Tomonori Izumi, is now popularly known by a different name: “Miracle Temple.”

“I don’t know if it was some kind of god or a powerful being on the UFO, but I believe that some invisible force really came to save us,” Izumi said.

On March 11, 2011, one of the worst nuclear disasters in history occurred at the Fukushima-1 nuclear plant, caused by an earthquake and subsequent tsunami. The simultaneous disaster destroyed most of the surrounding area, but “miraculously the temple remained intact.”

“The UFOs appeared after the explosion. There were a lot of them. I was shocked,” the monk said in the fourth episode of VICE’s Encounters series on Netflix: “Lights Over Fukushima.”

“Radioactive energy was leaking everywhere. I believe the UFOs came to redirect the flow of radioactive energy and save us. At least that’s my theory,” says Izumi.

As after the accident at the Fukushima nuclear power plant, UFOs have been repeatedly recorded in places where people have generated nuclear activity. There have been “very clear connections” between UFO sightings and nuclear landmarks “for decades,” says study author Dr. Jensin Andresen.

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