The Pentagon's Unidentified Flying Object analysis division, the All-domain Anomaly Resolution Office, delivered its annual report this week. AARO's director, Jon Kosloski, also briefed the Senate on AARO's work.

Kosloski has shown a more open-minded, less arrogant approach toward his work than his predecessor, Dr. Sean Kirkpatrick, did. Speaking to the media last week, Kosloski observed, "There are interesting cases that I, with my physics and engineering background and time in the [intelligence community], I do not understand. And I don’t know anybody else who understands them either."

This is a hint at an important reality. One willfully rejected by many in the media and the scientific community in avoidance of professional stigma. Namely, while the vast majority of UFOs have prosaic explanations, such as balloons, birds, Steven Greer's flares, satellites, undisclosed U.S. spy aircraft, and Chinese espionage efforts, a very small proportion of UFOs evince intelligently controlled technology under the control of something other than a nation, corporation, or Elon Musk. These stranger UFOs have been reported by credible sources and sensor systems since the 1940s and indicate interest in military activities and high-end technology.

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