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On Jun 16, 2015, at 10:25 AM, JACK SARFATTI <This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.> wrote:

On the one hand, we have the mystical physicists who basically believe in a miracle hidden under the technical nouns like
“collapse”  “actualization” “completing a transaction”
This tacit belief in miracles started with Niels Bohr, adopted by Werner Heisenberg, John Von Neumann, Eugene Wigner, John Wheeler, John Cramer, Henry Stapp, Roger Penrose, Brian Josephson.
The cultural revolution that I helped launch in the 1970s with Werner Erhard’s money and influence chronicled in David Kaiser’s book “How The Hippies Saved Physics” was all based on this belief in miracles most charismatically sung by John Archibald Wheeler who enchanted us all. The connection to Eastern Mysticism was obvious and Deepak Chopra is still carrying that torch to the New Age Public with great success on PBS.
Opposing them was that staunch local objective realist Albert Einstein and the young David Bohm in the 1950s. Bohm basically, in my opinion, had a failure of nerve in his own Einsteinian pilot wave dualism in his later years with his “implicate order” although perhaps Basil Hiley will succeed in his Clifford Algebra approach - that will be too abstract for most. There are a few Bohmians (with variations on the basic theme) like Shelly Goldstein, Peter Holland, Antony Valentini, myself holding the fort. 
David Sarfatti wrote to me:
I've been reading Towler and his clear explication of DeBroglie-Bohm.
It is so manifestly clear that DB renders Copenhagen total nonsense. How anyone can go before a classroom and teach Copenhagen without total embarrassment when DB is a "realist" alternative ontology is beyond me. Also, the vehemence against Bohm is bewildering. … 
David Sarfatti continued
It boils down to ... the age old battle between Jewish and Christian morality. In a nutshell, to a Jewish philosopher a sinful act is an objective thing. The entire Torah is basically a statement that there is a clear right way versus wrong way to behave (explicated in detail) and an equally clear statement of the real world (and after-life) consequences. After all, "torah" literally translates to "the law". So, there is God's law and man has free will. Depending on how man exercizes his free will with objective acts (of commission and ommission), the consequences are reaped. There is no mediator between God and man. Monotheism is absolute. Thus, the "act" is a " real particle" both before and after measurement. It goes through only one slit. The "Law" is the "pilot wave" which is real, ie DeBroglie-Bohm.
In Christian philosophy, sin is more like Schroedinger's cat. A man can do a sinful act, but at anytime can repent to Jesus who can forgive all his sins. So, "acts" are in a "superposition of states". They are both sins and are not sins at the same time until a "measurement" occurs (seek or not seek forgiveness from Jesus).  Thus, between man's acts and God's Law there is Jesus. This leads to all sorts of confusion : God is a Trinity but still one, Jesus is a man but still God, etc. Not until the "wave function collapses", ie a man repents to Jesus and is forgiven, or does not repent, does sin become "real". Sin is a " wave and a particle" until it is "observed", ie the photon goes through both slits at the same time - ie. Copenhagen.
Now, how did this play out. Germany was always the most deeply antisemitic country in Europe. From the early 1900's through the 1920's there was seething Jew hatred, partly due to the false "stab in the back" narrative of WW1. Between 1900 and 1905, two momentous events in physics occurred, Planck's early quantum theory and Einstein's SR. To the eyes of a contemporary German (including physicists), Planck was German and Einstein was a Jew. So, "the Jews owned" relativity, but QM was "genuinely" German.  But, there was a problem of course since the photoelectric effect gave Einstein (and hence the Jews) a piece of the QM pie, too. 
By 1919, with the proof of GR, Einstein the Jew was the world's leading personality, and Germany had lost the war ! The false "Jews stabbed Germany in the back" mantra no doubt drove "German" physicists mad. All of this was conflated into the equivalent of the 14th century "disputations" between priests and rabbis. The debate between Copenhagen's mysticism and DeBroglie's realism, at the subconscious level, was a debate between a Christian versus Jewish world view. It didn't help that Einstein physically looked like an Old Testament prophet. As for DeBroglie, the Germans resented that a Frenchman (on the winning side of WW1) was inserting himself into German physics. Both had to be dismissed and their viewpoint destroyed.
I believe that Heisenberg was the central player here. Bohr was Othello, but Heisenberg was his Iago. That Heisenberg was later a  Nazi is totally consistent. He actually wanted to give Hitler the ultimate weapon and later when he was held prisoner by the British, he and the rest of the German physicists were shocked and dismayed that America got to it first. 
So, what about afterward ?. It's simple. The debate never ended. The Germans lost both world wars but Copenhagen mysticism won!  Many of the Copenhagen "oldtimers" were still alive (Heisenberg, Bohr) but Einstein, while still alive, had long ago left the fight and focused on his doomed unified field theories. He was a reverred relic, but no longer taken seriously.
When Bohm came on the scene and renewed the debate, the second and third generation of the Copenhagen school were in total control. Of course, it didn't help that Bohm was a Jew and a communist in the McCarthyite 1950's.
I believe that this perspective has historical validity, but merely to express it would be uncouth at best and dangerous to careers.”
Now I am not saying I agree with David’s above analysis, but it is food for thought.
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On Jun 16, 2015, at 3:36 AM, Brian Josephson <This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.> wrote:

On 16 Jun 2015, at 10:11, Joy Roy Choudhury <This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.> wrote:

Thanks Brian. Just a small question Observers create reality in a
relativistic universe? I observe that I have marble in one hand with
respect to my other hand which is empty?

One possibility would be that observers create that kind of universe, and some features of the content, as part of some a strategy some goal that includes the existence of man.  This is just an extension of what is generally accepted, that the genes imply a particular kind of brain which will develop towards developed human capacities, its just that we add preliminary creation of a system supporting particular laws of physics needed to support that process.  This is consistent with religious views, thus fulfilling the prediction at

As per Wheeler’s ideas (and I believe Ruth’s), geometry itself is created through various observer-observed transactions.


Brian D. Josephson
Emeritus Professor of Physics, University of Cambridge
Director, Mind–Matter Unification Project
Cavendish Laboratory, JJ Thomson Ave, Cambridge CB3 0HE, UK
Tel. +44(0)1223 337260/337254