Back in August, the NSA released an updated advisory that was at once interesting and expected: It said that the world had to prepare for the oncoming impact of quantum computers, and the possibility that these devices could render existing computer cryptography almost completely obsolete. They called for the cryptographic community to invest heavily in developing so-called post-quantum cryptographic solutions that could survive this hypothetical watershed invention. And, as you might imagine, this advisory has very nearly driven the internet insane. Now, two security researchers have published a paper compiling all the various theories surrounding this advisory, and trying to make sense of the situation.
Remember that quantum computers have obsessed internet weirdos for as long as the concept has existed. Try really looking into the Deep Web sometime, and you’ll quickly come up against the idea of a quantum deep web, a deep deep deep web, that can only be accessed by/through Illuminati-style quantum networks that, of course, don’t actually exist. Much of this lore is simply gleeful trolling by people who love to mislead noobs, but don’t kid yourself — many of the most entrenched People Of The Internet really do believe this crap.
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