The infamous and embattled Julian Assange had made prior comments to the announced release of many of his controversial intelligence leaks that there would be UFO related materials. Such was the case recently when Wiki Leaks revealed alleged compromised Department of Defense cable communications indicating that US armed forces may be in the midst of a secret war with UFOs.

According to the sources that were revealed, there was an all out alert issued by Air Force Space Command after the emergence of a large flotilla of airborne unidentified objects from the floor of the Southern Seas of the Antarctic. This armada of unknown objects headed toward Guadalajara, Mexico.

With US warplanes deployed and all radars intensified on the inbound targets, the massive UFO fleet supposedly dimensionally relocated themselves back to submerge in the antarctic oceans once again. The incident occurred 10 June 2004.

Disclaimer: The source of this article, the European Times Online, is not a reliable source, as they frequently publish disinformation from the notorious Sorcha Faal.  To read more, click here.