UFO sightings in Detroit have exploded after video of an unidentified flying object filmed over Indianapolis on Jan. 7 was covered by the local FOX News affiliate.

The video shows the now familiar triangle UFO at night, but this time with a twist. Several sets of red and white lights appear to be interacting with each other in a bizarre manner never filmed before.

Detroit witnesses have been jamming the FOX-2 news Facebook page with reports of a similar object sighted on Jan. 11, over the city, but, so far, no video has surfaced.

According to an article published on Latest UFO Sightings on Jan. 14, witnesses are claiming the strange object was sighted over multiple areas of the city. The FAA has made no official comment on what the object was, but an expert in the video notes that secret aircraft would not necessarily be reported to the agency.

To read more and view the news video, click here.