Exclusive new video posted to YouTube on October 4, 2014, reveals the performance of a daylight flying saucer recorded in high-definition multi-sensor color as it passes through the local UFO corridor near Vancouver City Hall. During his initial report Canadian videographer Les Murzsa stated by voicemail how his instrumental documentation shows a black disc “doing the wobbles and flipping over” while flying along a linear northwestern trajectory just after 6:00 p.m. PST on the evening of September 25, 2014.
In an email delivered on the eve of publication, Les Murzsa wrote to this reporter how he “received confirmation” from his Pleiadian extraterrestrial spirit guide (who goes by the name of “Paymo”) that “it was her flying that saucer.” The videographer went on to describe confirmation received as an inner vision during one of many out-of-body experiences that accompany his ongoing contact-oriented lifestyle.
To read more and view the video, click here.