Following a spate of seismic activity around the globe, fears have been mounting the volcano in Wyoming could be about to blow which could leave two-thirds of the USA immediately uninhabitable as the large spew of ash into the atmosphere would block out sunlight and directly affecting life beneath it.

UFO hunters have now added more fuel to the fire by claiming to have spotted alien spacecrafts hovering over the Yellowstone volcano, claiming they are monitoring it before its imminent massive eruption.

A YouTube video uploaded by KatMartin2016 – who actually believes there is a more natural reason for the video – shows a white glowing object moving across the screen in the film, which is recording an elk refuge near to the volcano.

While the uploader opted for a down-to-earth explanation, saying that it is “probably a passing vehicle that caused the reflection", UFO enthusiasts have been running away with the idea.

No. It's causing the eruption. ;-) To read more and view the video, click here.