Ask anyone in the public or commercial sector and they will likely tell you that we are living in a "second Space Age," or "SpaceAge 2.0." Not only is our presence in space increasing dramatically, but so is the accessibility of space. Between the declining costs of launching payloads and the growth of space agencies worldwide, more people can participate in the sector than ever before.

In the coming decades, things are going to become even busier. We have plans to return to the Moon (to stay), explore Mars, commercialize Low Earth Orbit (LEO), create habitats in space, and develop solutions for living sustainably on other planets.

This raises several challenges, not the least of which is ensuring that the younger generations - many of whom will become the next generation of astronauts, space lawyers, space architects, engineers, and entrepreneurs - have the tools they need to look ahead and dream big. This is the vision that STEAMSPACE was founded on.

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