As the electric vehicle (EV) industry is advancing, so are the efforts in the research and development of superior lithium (Li)-ion batteries to power these vehicles. Exploring and expanding rapid charge-discharge technology and extended battery life are critical challenges in their development. A few factors, such as the diffusion of Li ions, characteristics of the electrode-electrolyte interface, and electrode porosity, can help overcome these issues achieve extreme fast charging and ultralong life.

In recent years, two-dimensional (2D) nanomaterials, which are thin sheet-like structures with a thickness of a few nanometers, have emerged as potential anode materials for Li-ion batteries. These nanosheets possess a high aspect ratio and high density of active sites, which enables fast charging and superior cycling performance. In particular, 2D nanomaterials based on transition-metal diborides (or TMDs) have piqued the interest of researchers. TMDs have been found to have a high rate and long cycling stability for Li ion storage, owing to their honeycomb planes of boron and multivalent transition-metal atoms.

Recently, a group of scientists led by Prof. Noriyoshi Matsumi from the Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (JAIST) and Prof. Kabeer Jasuja from the Indian Institite of Technology (IIT) Gandhinagar set out to further explore the potential of TMDs for .

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