There is no denying that artificial intelligence is advanced, powerful, smart, and offers many more capabilities or traits than any other technology, but bear in mind that it is still hallucinating and sharing misinformation. AI chatbots were made to always have an answer to share with users whenever they asked a question, and this led to many who grew fond of the tech as their alternative to search engines.

However, while AI can answer, it may sometimes give users hallucinations or fabricated information just for the sake of not 'failing' those who asked, but it is time to revert to relying on real news and legitimate sources rather than the machine.

AI chatbots still tend to share misinformation, and it remains one of the largest phenomena in the modern world how does something so advanced tend to create fake or fabricated data for the sake of answering questions? However, the real reason behind their hallucinations is not exactly what people expect, particularly as one may think that the chatbot only wants to please their masters, a.k.a. humans, and avoid coming back empty-handed.

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