Stephen, Stephen, Stephen. Do you recall that you were once one of the POTUS’s most trusted advisors? That would’ve been the time to order disclosure of everything on UFOs, which are now UAPs, moron.

Yes, after two shootdowns in two days of “objects” (Not balloons), people are talking about whether the U.S. and Canada are starting to shoot down objects that they… cannot identify. Aka “Unidentified Aerial Phenomena.” UAPs.

Stephen Miller wants everything disclosed, everything, or the Pentagon, and all the three-letter agencies get shut down until they do so…

But I have bad news for Stephen. The U.S. government knows quite a bit about these things, but the real intelligence has moved to the defense contracting industry because it’s easier to keep secret. You cannot send a FOIA request to Lockheed Martin’s “Skunkworks.”

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