US F-22s have now shot down three interesting things in the last weeks – two unidentified objects over Alaska and Canada, and a giant Chinese balloon off of South Carolina. According to CNN, on Saturday “an unidentified object was shot down over northern Canada on Saturday, marking the third time in a week that US fighter jets have taken down objects in North American airspace.” The incident happened on Friday in airspace near the coast of Alaska and a second object was downed over Canada according to a report on Sunday morning. 

 The unidentified objects are reported to be similar in size to a car and one report described them as “cylindrical.” Not that much is known about UFOs, but more will soon become clear. This happens as the US is still trying to dredge up all the parts of the Chinese spy balloon. There is a lot more to learn about each case.

Nevertheless, it appears to be a sudden new normal that the US is forced to contend with mysterious types of threats like this. 

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