A sleepy town in the Midwest was thrust into the mainstream after a slew of UFO sightings in the 1970s.

Hundreds of residents in Piedmont, Missouri have claimed to have laid eyes on the unidentified flying object in the last half-century.

Local Jean Coleman is believed to be the first after reportedly observing a red light hovering over Clearwater Lake in 1973.

State Representative Chris Dinkins added there were around 500 reports to law enforcement of unidentified flying objects, with most claiming to see the mysterious object on Clearwater.

The state of Missouri mentioned that the UFO sightings over Piedmont occurred for 3 months between February and April of 1973 and also that summer as well.

Dinkins has since introduced House Bill 1261, which designates the town as the UFO capital of the state of Missouri. 

The bill added that "these incidents were part of a large pattern of UFO sightings throughout the United States in 1973."

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