By far the most popular and well-known cryptid is Bigfoot, also known as the Sasquatch and many other regional names. These creatures have been spotted in many places all over the world, and generally have a very similar appearance. Human-like, with ape features, tall, muscular, with dark brown to black hair covering their bodies. However, it seems that this is not always the case, and that there is some variation or even other species of this popular image of Bigfoot. Here we will look at some of the stranger types of Bigfoot that have been seen in the wilds, proving to be even odder than their brethren.

One curious account comes to us from the Ozarks, a vast mountainous region spanning Missouri, Arkansas, Oklahoma, and the southeastern tip of Kansas, that is full of legends and strange mysteries. The story begins in the winter of 1865, when a veteran hunter named Sol Collins went deer hunting in a place called Spring Creek and came across bear-like footprints. Collins was highly knowledgeable about bear tracks, but this one was unlike anything he had seen before. The footprints weren't just large, they were oddly shaped and had strange markings along them that looked like they were made by large claws. The footprints aroused the hunter's curiosity. A light snow had fallen the night before, making it easy for Collins, a veteran tracker, to follow the tracks. The footprints snaked through the wilderness until they reached the northern slopes of Upper Twin Mountain. It is here that Collins learns that these are not the footprints of a bear, but something much stranger.

As Collins followed the footsteps up the slope, he heard a noise from above. Two more boulders rolled down the slope, and as he struggled to avoid them, he briefly caught a glimpse of a giant figure. The creature was completely covered in short, curly black hair that took on an odd deep, dark blue color when exposed to direct sunlight. Collins described the creature as huge, no less than 3 meters (10 feet) tall, and covered in thick muscle. The beast apparently carried a large club, which it swung in the air before setting the weapon aside and picking up another rock and throwing it at the frightened hunter. Collins ran away from there as fast as he could, and as soon as he returned to town, he gathered other hunters and went in search of the creature. For several days, Collins and his group tracked the Big Blue Man, who was said to have been seen several times, and found sheep skins, pig skins, parts of dog skins, many bones, feathers, and other items from the past, possibly kills by the beast. They even found a burrow filled with the remains of a feast but were unable to capture or shoot whatever it was that had caused this mayhem.

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