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Science News
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Published Date
John Archibald Wheeler: Is it crazy enough to be true? 2
26 January 2012
Synopsis: One Photon Good, Two Better
26 January 2012
Graphene could be a perfect absorber of light
26 January 2012
Life beyond Earth? Underwater caves in Bahamas could give clues
26 January 2012
Does antimatter weigh more than matter? Lab experiment to find out the answer
26 January 2012
Smallest-Ever Nanotube Transistors Outperform Silicon
26 January 2012
A quantum speed limit: how fast does quantum information flow through a lattice?
26 January 2012
Stanford University Online Course in AI and Robotics
26 January 2012
John Archibald Wheeler: Is it crazy enough to be true?
26 January 2012
Scientist reflects on his psychedelic research
26 January 2012
Strategic Research Plan Needed to Help Avoid Potential Risks of Nanomaterials
26 January 2012
Vesta likely cold and dark enough for ice
26 January 2012
First atomic X-ray laser created
26 January 2012
Ex-Stanford Professors Starting Free Online College
26 January 2012
Researchers turn a 3D object invisible for the first time
26 January 2012
US has lost more than a quarter of its high-tech workforce
25 January 2012
Study supports role of quantum effects in photosynthesis
25 January 2012
Serious Flaw Emerges In Quantum Cryptography
25 January 2012
New Breed of Electron Interactions in Quantum Systems
25 January 2012
Social friction tied to inflammation
25 January 2012
Electron Holography Produces First Image of a Single Protein
25 January 2012
Solar storm engulfs Earth
25 January 2012
Babies Are Born With 'Intuitive Physics' Knowledge, Says Researcher
25 January 2012
Graphene may exhibit exotic superconductivity
25 January 2012
Superconducting detectors offer high-speed astronomy
25 January 2012
Breakthrough: Bilayer graphene works as an insulator
25 January 2012
Another zero-emissions powerplant emerges - the Dearman Engine runs on liquid air
25 January 2012
Why life begins and ends on Earth
25 January 2012
Google + quantum physics social networks
25 January 2012
Preprint Archive UCSB Institute Theoretical Physics
25 January 2012
Next Generation Optical System Tops 2012 Milspace Procurements
23 January 2012
Viewpoint: Fermion Pairing in Flatland
23 January 2012
Biggest solar storm since 2005 pummels Earth
23 January 2012
A new class of electron interactions in quantum systems
23 January 2012
Should the U.S. Collaborate with China in Space?
23 January 2012
How Neutrons Might Escape Into Another Universe
23 January 2012
World's longest superconductor cable
23 January 2012
Three small systems showing probable room-temperature superconductivity
22 January 2012
Soviet Venus Images
22 January 2012
Unprecedented, man-made trends in ocean's acidity
22 January 2012
Physicists cool semiconductor by laser light
22 January 2012
Could the Internet Ever Be Destroyed?
22 January 2012
Life spotted on Venus: Russian scientist
22 January 2012
A good webphysics resource for students and researchers
22 January 2012
Magical material solves mystery of invisibility cloak
22 January 2012
How Real Time Superluminal Communications Can Be Established?
22 January 2012
NASA Searches for Loot That Traveled From Space to Another Void
22 January 2012
How the Hippies Saved Physics, By David Kaiser
22 January 2012
What if there were another advanced species?
21 January 2012
Project Bifrost: Rockets of the Future?
21 January 2012
Does Math Really Exist?
21 January 2012
Rise of the Super-Earths
21 January 2012
M3.2 solar blast from Sunspot 1402 produced Earth-directed CME
21 January 2012
Synopsis: Neither Here Nor There
20 January 2012
T-rays technology could help develop star trek-style hand-held medical scanners
20 January 2012
Scientists design solar cells that exceed the conventional light-trapping limit
20 January 2012
An Abundance of Exoplanets Changes our Universe
20 January 2012
Mars Science Laboratory Spacecraft Completes Biggest Maneuver
20 January 2012
Intelligent Design at the Frontier of Astrobiology and Biophysics
19 January 2012
Russia Discussing Moon Base With NASA, Space Chief Says
19 January 2012
Quantum mechanics enables perfectly secure cloud computing
19 January 2012
British team devises method for separating carbon nanotubes cheaply
19 January 2012
Alternative funding: Sponsor my science
19 January 2012
How to spot a dark-matter galaxy
19 January 2012
Quantum Uncertainty: Are You Certain, Mr. Heisenberg?
19 January 2012
What Happened Before the Big Bang? The New Philosophy of Cosmology
19 January 2012
Black Holes May Turboboost Super-Civilizations
19 January 2012
'Quantum Critical' Theory Gets Experimental Boost
19 January 2012
Could 2012 be the year we find extraterrestrial life?
18 January 2012
Dark matter galaxy hints seen 10bn light-years away
18 January 2012
Viewpoint: Seeing the “Quantum” in Quantum Zero-Point Fluctuations
18 January 2012
Death-defying time crystal could outlast the universe
18 January 2012
Watching a gas turn superfluid
18 January 2012
How China Is Stealing Our Secrets
18 January 2012
Mars Rocks Fell on Morocco, Scientists Say
18 January 2012
When Breakthroughs Begin at Home: Bio-hacking comes of age
18 January 2012
Superstuff: When quantum goes big
18 January 2012
Tiny Transmitter Sets Frequency Record: Revolutionary Terahertz Transmitter Developed
18 January 2012
Researchers Isolate Protein Linking Exercise to Health Benefits
18 January 2012
Decoding cosmological data could shed light on neutrinos, modified gravity
18 January 2012
Is the Universe Riddled With "Tatooine Planets?"
18 January 2012
Metamaterials Generate Gecko-Like Adhesive Force
18 January 2012
Andrea Rossi's 'E-cat' nuclear reactor: a video FAQ
18 January 2012
Momentous Breakthroughs Announced During Anniversary E-Cat Interview
16 January 2012
Benchtop Ion Proton™ Sequencer; Designed to Decode a Human Genome in One Day for $1,000
16 January 2012
Ad astra! To the stars!
16 January 2012
Kepler space telescope could find exomoons
16 January 2012
Re-thinking an alien world
16 January 2012
New computer model shows Titan atmosphere more Earth-like than thought
16 January 2012
Researchers working on watershed moment in water purification
16 January 2012
'Spooky Action at Distance' in Particle Physics?
16 January 2012
Superstuff: When quantum goes big
16 January 2012
Superstuff: When quantum goes big (2)
16 January 2012
How Alien hunting scientists would use Twitter to tell us if aliens got in touch
16 January 2012
Alien hunters: What if ET ever phones our home?
16 January 2012
Scientists Introduces Automated Imaging to Greatly Speed Whole-Brain Mapping Efforts
15 January 2012
Dark Side of the Moon Revealed: Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter's LAMP Reveals Lunar Surface Features
15 January 2012
Time Travel in Theory and Practice
15 January 2012
Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter's LAMP reveals lunar surface features and water
14 January 2012
Re-thinking an Alien World
14 January 2012
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